"Before and After" Something New

Okay, we didn't win the lottery (big surprise). But it was fun dreaming and after all somebody has to win eventually! The good news is nobody won on Wednesday so the jackpot is going higher. I am sending a dollar to Elisha and having her buy me another ticket! (I am such a high roller!)

Back at home my creativity is flowing - I have so many things going on there isn't enough time in the day. One thing I decided to do is create a "before and after" web link to my blog and show pics of things I have created or recycled (upcycled) and a little how-to info. I am starting with a piece I found at a garage sale a few weeks ago. It is a nice old wooden table - short like a small coffee table. I couldn't resist it. All it needed was a little TLC.

I cleaned and sanded it lightly and then I used some Old English Furniture Polish to bring back some color. I heard on HGTV that you can use olive oil on unvarnished furniture to help keep the wood from drying out, plus it gives the wood a face lift. It works like a charm. I found a recipe for olive oil furnish polish on a Eartheasy a non-toxic home care website. With the combo approach the table was transformed! The grain just popped and it looked entirely different.

The table was just the right size and height for my meditation area where I also do journaling. I used it to create a writing table/alter and it works perfect.

For years I have made alters in my home - it helps me create sacred spaces that keep me connected and focused. A good book to read if you are interested in creating your own is by Denise Linn called Altars: Bringing Sacred Shrines into your Everyday Life. It is a fun way to gather objects, elements and sacred items together - like a table top collage.

I hope you like the new addition to the blog. Let me know what you think.

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