Time flies when you're flitting around

Boy have I missed blogging. Seems like it is the place where I can focus on the creative aspects of my days and keep me in the space I enjoy most. Not that I haven't been having fun! I have. Spending time in California with my parents, and now in Nashville celebrating my granddaughter's 6th birthday (how is that possible???) is wonderful! I just haven't found the time to report on my creative activities!

As I sit here typing I am looking at the beautiful bracelet I just bought at an art fair yesterday in Nashville - it is engraved with the word "potential" and has a crystal bead tangling from the side. I bought it to remind me that anything is possible when I tap into the creative potential that exists in the universal flow. I just have to allow it! Believing in that potential brings about the power to create my life anyway I choose. Abundance in all aspects. When I saw the bracelet I knew I had to buy it. I need that reminder everyday!

I promise that I will be reporting more soon! Now I am off to paint some bookshelves with my daughter for the girls playroom.

In the spirit of creative potential,

1 comment:

Mrs. said...

Just wondering if your bag has arrived!