Spring Break

Today things are a bit quiet around the house. My granddaughters were here for a few days during their spring break from school. And they went home yesterday. This was the first time we had them alone for a long period. It was so much fun. They bring so much life into our house. They are so alive and full of energy.

We did a lot of fun things while they were here. Most fun was making art. We played with polymer clay, made jewelry and painted. When they were little I used to dream about the time when I could play with them in my art studio. I knew it would be so great. Well this week my dream became a reality - except it was far better than the dream because they brought their own unique little spirits into it. It was awesome. This time, being in the moment with them creating art ranks right up there in my list of best days. Can't wait to do it again.

Although it is quite - their energy is still swirling around the house. It has inspired me to start painting again! Zoe just fearlessly whipped out the painting above. I saw in her the pure joy of just starting with a blank page and painting for fun. No pressure, no expectations, just making art! Stick the brush in the paint and go for it! Yeah!!

In the spirit of creativity,

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