It sure is quiet around here . . .

After nearly three weeks of giggles, jumping, swimming, crying, laughing, family meals, knock-knock jokes and bedtime stories Elisha and the girls headed back to Nashville to get ready to move into their new home. It sure is quiet around here! It is amazing the joy and "life" they bring into our life. We miss them already! We had such a good time together.

A couple of days before they left I asked Zoe if she would like to paint a picture to hang in her new room- she said "yes", of course. She loves to make art. We sat down together, I showed her the canvas, we talked about a design concept and I gave her some paper and pencils to create a design.

She sat at the dining room table and started drawing. She gave it lots of thought and attention and after several drafts came up with a design she really liked.

Next, I sketched her design onto the canvas, set up the easel, paints and brushes and let her go (with a bit of supervision). She did an awesome job. The hardest part for her was waiting for the paint to dry between colors.

Once the design was painted we stood back and looked at it and she said "I know what it needs, dots and stars". So we busted out the gold paint and she get busy! Here is her final creation. She is quite the artist! And just 5 years old. I know she will love having this in her room.

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